viernes, 31 de julio de 2020

Food and manners

  • Imagine if a different animal came to tea. How would they behave? Could you write a story about this?
  • Draw the tiger and Sohie

  • Use expressions such as: hello, thanks, good bye...
  • Imagine that the tiger escaped from a zoo. Write the story that describes how he escaped.
  • What happens to the tiger next? Where does he go after visiting Sophie's house? Write a story about another adventure that he has.
  • Work with a group of friends to act out the story.  Watch this trailer for a live production of the story for some ideas:

Create a shopping list showing all of the things that Sophie's family needed to buy to replace the things that the tiger ate. How much would each item cost?


  • Can you make a song that the tiger might sing to say 'Goodbye' and 'Thank you' to Sophie's family?

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