viernes, 31 de julio de 2020

Food and manners

  • Imagine if a different animal came to tea. How would they behave? Could you write a story about this?
  • Draw the tiger and Sohie

  • Use expressions such as: hello, thanks, good bye...
  • Imagine that the tiger escaped from a zoo. Write the story that describes how he escaped.
  • What happens to the tiger next? Where does he go after visiting Sophie's house? Write a story about another adventure that he has.
  • Work with a group of friends to act out the story.  Watch this trailer for a live production of the story for some ideas:

Create a shopping list showing all of the things that Sophie's family needed to buy to replace the things that the tiger ate. How much would each item cost?


  • Can you make a song that the tiger might sing to say 'Goodbye' and 'Thank you' to Sophie's family?

viernes, 9 de agosto de 2019

Young PRE- Starters at Doñinos

Hello, after too much time I am here again...

Being a young mother at full time working is very stressfull but  now  Álvar  and Martín are more independent, both  are going to start the official school. We have enlloed in the public school we have in our village. In Álvar case, it is going to be the second year at school. We are very happy with the school although the main need we have is due to the fact that it is not a bilingual school and Álvar has not progressed much in that area in relation the knowledge he adquired at kindergarden. 

At home we have read and sing  everyday in english but we consider we need  to do  more to establish daily routines to learn english in a ludic and easy way. We have though to contract private classes, but they are very young and we don´t want to enroll them in many activities and pass much time going and coming downtown from different activities.
Finally Miguel and me are going to work with them using Cambridge and own ressources we have. They are getting used to learn reading and singing beacause we have many books at home and they have usually gone to storytelling and creativity sessions at Unpuntocurioso (a great place to learn and love reading...)

The main ressources we will use are...

Activities Web:

Sign and learn vídeos.

The book:

Flash Cards and objets to learn playing (in Cambridge web)

To have a weekly plan we will develop one post for each topic we will work: food, colours, letters and numbers, clothes, city and home, school, animals and little expressions to say hello, good bue, thanks, please...All which is required for pre starters level.

viernes, 4 de noviembre de 2016

The earth to Luna

Again, we are investigating how to work english in a natural way withn our  old son, and we consider Earth to Luna as a very appropiate programe to introduce Science to our son in a bilingual way.

Here you have several chapters:

domingo, 10 de julio de 2016

DAILY ROUTINES: In the afternoon_TheFarmAnimals

Our son really likes animals, so we consider we can take advantage of it in order the baby could learn some sounds, expressions and words of it in a funny way.

We will start the plan with the closer animals, those which we have in gandpas´farm:  Cows, Chickens, dogs, Cats...Of family animals.

There are many interesting songs and didactic ressources to work animal topic in the market or free on the internet; so it is very easy to design a daily plan to get the baby closer the farm animals and their sounds.

Here we concrete our plan of action. 

Parte 1. Farm animals´ Dice.

We introduce the animal topic with this didactic Dice. We´ll introduce each animal and we will try to repeat the animal sound.

  • We work some simple words: cow, duck, horse, pig, sheep, dog, chicken
  • We will develop expression such as:
    • This is a/an...
    • The animal´s sound is...

Parte 2. Reading, touching and repeating.

We read the book "the sounds of the farm" (Combel)

  • We will try to repeat the animals´sounds.
  • We will do a storytelling about the animals´farm.
  • We will build our vocabulary (same as we have described before).

Part 3. Show and sing. 

In this activity we sing one very simple song called "The animals of the farm" and we show the toy animal from our Lilitutiens Farm.

This is the moment we have had learnt the song we are going to sing all together aloud with our toy farm.
  • The song you can listen here:

We will work  the expression "the animals on the farm say...."
  • The toy farm to show and touch the animals we have bought from Liliputiens brand.

viernes, 8 de julio de 2016

DAILY ROUTINE:In the everning_Go2Bed

Time to bed is close, the day was full of new things: new words, new people...So much knowledge we absorbed!...So to fall asleep and have a pretty nice dream,we plan another simple activity we expect the baby likes as much as we enjoy designing it, "the bedtime activity".

Descripcion of the activity:

Part 1. To start with it, we are going to play a little with our Maisy pet, we are going to speak with her for a while:

  • How are you...?
  • How was your day?
  • I have done... (and we explain all we have done today to Maisy)

Part 2. After that simple an empathyc talk, we are going to use our second little library "Maisy´s colletion" by Lucy Cosins read. In particular the book we have chosen for this moment is Maisy´s bedtme. We will read several times, it will depend of the baby attitude and we will work some interesting expressions as we point out down here.

  • Here we can work expressions such as: Bedtime, to be tired, good night, brush the teeth...
Part 3. The day was full of action, full of after the reading time, it is the perfect moment to listen. Our song already knows  "Twinkle twinkle little star", however we will still work it to get asleep

This song ewill relax the baby and can create the perfect conditions to have a pretty dream.

  • Maisy´s Pet
  • Maisy´s ressources: books and audio-books.
  • A tablet to watch/ listen the slepping song.

Time expected: 10 to 15 minutes.

DAILY ROUTINE: In the afternoon_Family

Today we have received some books to read to our son in summer time. 
These first english books we have ordered are related to family, friends and daily routines such as bath, bedtime or time at school. They are very easy to understand for parent and very dicactic due to the expressions we will try our son learn little by little.
If your son likes books this activity could be easy and very enriched for him.

Descripcion of the activity:

Part one. We are going to work with our family pet, Peppa Pig and with the little library we have purchaised. 

So the activity must start asking Peppa the polite question about herself (seen before)
Hi are you? do you  do?
And after the introduction, it is the perfect moment to read our first little book Peppa´s favorite things. We are going to read the book (several times) slowly and showing things Peppa Likes. If you don´t know how to read it to your baby, you can find a nice tutorial in Youtube to practice first.

After reading the book we can work expressions such as...
...what do you like?, I like....

Part two. We will keep going working wirth our Peppa Pig´s little library second book Peppa´s family in this way

Due to the topic we have set up for these two months is the family, we will reinforce everyday the idea of family and the 6 key words and expressions to talk about it. 
Here in our little library we have the perfect ressource to do it, Peppa´s Family. A very easy tale to learn words as father, build a basic vocabulary little by little.

The cover of our second little book is this:

I haven´t foud the audio book in youtube, but maybe you could find interesting this video or the Family fingers´one we introduced in an old post.

To finish the activity we can paint this draw with watercolour

Time expected:

  • 5 minutes each reading. We will reapeat one, twice...depending of the baby atitude.
  • 10 minutes for painting the drawing.


  • Peppa Pig´s little library.
  • A printed paper with the Peppa´s family we are going to colour.
  • Several watercolour peintures