I have decided to have three pets: Pocoyó, Peppa Pig and Maisy the mouse. We play with one or other depending of the topic we work.
And the fist topic we are going to work is the family. We will work it during three months combining with daily routines, readings and audiovisual activities.
- I introduce you to our three friends:
After say hello to Peppa Pig, our friend in this topic -"the family"- we start working the 6 members of our family.
- Father/daddy
- Mother/mummy.
- Son.
- Brother.
- Ganfather. Grandad
- Granmother.Gandma
Introductory activity: Who are we?.
To have sense of ouselves we start explaining/speaking and showing with a picture who is each member of the family.
-Selfconfidence, Selfdiscovery and identify and pronounce easy words related to the family topic.
-We repete structures such as:
Time: 5 minutes.
-We repete structures such as:
- Here you are our whole family
- Who is...?
- He/she is...
- Where is/are....?
Time: 5 minutes.
Ressources: A mirror, digital pictures of the family.
Sensorial and psicomotricity activity: Family Finger.
This activity is divided in two parts:
Time: 5 minutes.
Ressources: latex gloves, a mat, picture of the family, glue.
Web which has inspied me http://nieves170393.blogspot.com.es/
Sensorial and psicomotricity activity: Family Finger.
This activity is divided in two parts:
- Fist part: We will use a nice video inspired in Peppa Pig´s family very stimulated, we sing with our baby to know each memer of Peppa´s family.
- Stimulate motoric movements.
- Repeat interesting structures:
- Member of the family, where are you?
- Here I am.
Ressources: Video, tv, puppets (optional)
- Second part. We work that song with our family, we sing and shoy y a glove pictures of the whole family.
- The baby would be capable of identify, in a funny way, the members of the family.
- The babby could pronounce several words and sounds.
Time: 5 minutes.
Ressources: latex gloves, a mat, picture of the family, glue.
Web which has inspied me http://nieves170393.blogspot.com.es/
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