Our son really likes animals, so we consider we can take advantage of it in order the baby could learn some sounds, expressions and words of it in a funny way.
We will start the plan with the closer animals, those which we have in gandpas´farm: Cows, Chickens, dogs, Cats...Of family animals.
There are many interesting songs and didactic ressources to work animal topic in the market or free on the internet; so it is very easy to design a daily plan to get the baby closer the farm animals and their sounds.
Here we concrete our plan of action.
Parte 1. Farm animals´ Dice.
We introduce the animal topic with this didactic Dice. We´ll introduce each animal and we will try to repeat the animal sound.
- We work some simple words: cow, duck, horse, pig, sheep, dog, chicken
- We will develop expression such as:
- This is a/an...
- The animal´s sound is...
Parte 2. Reading, touching and repeating.
We read the book "the sounds of the farm" (Combel)
- We will try to repeat the animals´sounds.
- We will do a storytelling about the animals´farm.
- We will build our vocabulary (same as we have described before).
Part 3. Show and sing.
In this activity we sing one very simple song called "The animals of the farm" and we show the toy animal from our Lilitutiens Farm.
This is the moment we have had learnt the song we are going to sing all together aloud with our toy farm.
- The song you can listen here:
We will work the expression "the animals on the farm say...."
- The toy farm to show and touch the animals we have bought from Liliputiens brand.
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